Monday, August 29, 2011


So, last night we decided to make strawberry cupcakes. What better to compliment strawberry than Lemon! My lemon butter cream frosting was not only a compliment to the strawberry cupcakes, but also a refreshing staple to the cupcake. Recipe as follows.

2 sticks of butter (salted, unsalted, whatever is in the fridge)
2 1/2 cups of confectioner sugar
1 tablespoon milk
Zest of 1 whole lemon
Juice of 1 whole lemon ( preferably the one you zested)

Before you can begin to make your icing I would recommend infusing the butter with the lemon. Take the 2 sticks of butter and place them in a sauce pan. When the butter is melted, zest the lemon into the melted butter. Let butter simmer for about 5 minutes. Slice the lemon and squeeze juice into butter and zest mixture. let it simmer for about 3 minutes. Take off of heat and place in the fridge; about 2 to 3 hrs - to speed up this process you can put it in the freezer. When your butter is solid again, place in a mixing bowl. Beat until butter is creamy, then add 1 tablespoon of milk and 1/2 cup of confectioner sugar. To make messes minimal do confectioner sugar in quantities of  1/2 cups at a time until incorporated. *** note you can add more confectioner sugar for a stiffer icing, and for a thinner icing add milk 1 tablespoon at a time.*** Once mixed you can use the icing on your cooled cupcakes right away, or you can place in the fridge for a later use. MmmMmm, Lemon! :)

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